Alfred, Dr. Fritz and Kurt Bäuml

Dr. Fritz Bäuml and Alfred Bäuml joined the manufactory in 1912, Kurt Bäuml in 1917. Albert Bäuml's three sons remained committed to his claim of renewal and, as tenants of Porzellan Manufaktur Nymphenburg, drove forward the close cooperation with numerous artists until 1975. Under the aegis of the Bäuml brothers, the German representations abroad were furnished with Nymphenburg porcelain after World War II and the store on Odeonsplatz was reopened in 1953 (interior design by Professor Rudolf Esterer). Albert Bäuml and his sons are not only to thank for the survival of the manufactory in economically and politically difficult times. They also maintained the tradition of arts and crafts in Nymphenburg and initiated important contemporary designs.